“The greenest building… ”
Buildings represent enormous investments in energy, material, and financial resources and yet thousands of viable buildings are destroyed every year in the name of progress.
"Design Impact Matters..."
One of the favorite catch phrases architects employ is: “design matters”. However, its true importance is often overlooked.
"The Climate Crisis..."
It is almost impossible to fully comprehend how deeply embedded fossil fuels and petroleum-based materials are in current practices of industry, agriculture, transportation, and buildings.
"Don't Waste the Climate Crisis..."
As the 21st century hits its stride humanity is confronted with the twin imperatives of climate change and global urbanization.
"For two decades and more, Carl has authored timely and influential articles on building-sector stewardship, sustainability, and climate action and their relevance to intractable social, economic, and environmental challenges."
"Known for coining the phrase: “the greenest building is…one that is already built”, Carl is a sought-after speaker on building-sector stewardship, sustainability, and climate action."
"Offering perspective gained during a long and successful architecture career, through decades serving in leadership positions for architecture, preservation..."
"Drawing on experience in architectural practice, professional association leadership, and civic engagement, Carl has advised a broad range of organizations on programs, policies, and strategic direction."
Stewardship as Climate Action Program Series
Recorded 29 September 2021